
Sustainable Excellence book coverI’ll be appearing in several cities around the United States over the next several weeks in connection  with the publication of Sustainable Excellence, The Future of Business in a Fast-Changing World.  I hope you’ll come out to hear about the book.

The current schedule is:

October 12: New York – Barnes & Noble Tribeca, Talk & Signing 7:00pm


October 14: Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Bookstore, Talk & Signing 4:00pm, http://eventsatpenn.com/events/read/555

October 15: Washington, DC, New America Foundation, Talk & Signing, 12:15pm, http://www.newamerica.net/events/2010/sustainable_excellence

October 26: Seattle, Town Hall Center for Civic Life, Talk & Signing, 7:30pm, http://www.townhallseattle.org/calendar.cfm?trumbaEmbed=date%3D20101026

October 27: San Francisco, Book Passage, Ferry Building, Talk & Signing 6:00pm, http://www.bookpassage.com/event/aron-cramer-zachary-karabell-sustainable-excellence-future-business-fast-changing-world

October 29: Ann Arbor, Michigan, Net Impact Conference, University of Michigan, Interview & Signing, 11:00am, http://2010.netimpact.org/talks/15716

November 3-5: New York: BSR Conference, www.bsr.org/conference

November 15: Los Angeles, Milken Institute @ 4:30 pm, Talk & Signing, http://www.milkeninstitute.org/events/events.taf?function=detail&ID=358&cat=Forums

One Response to “Speaking”

  1. Robert Girling October 8, 2010 at 3:20 pm #

    Hi Aron
    I had the good fortune and pleasure of meeting Beret at the SOCAP conference. She mentioned your new book which is both needed and inspiring. I am awaiting my copy from Amazon–but was able to read a good bit on their web-site. It is clearly the most readable book in the field. You area a master story teller–and that is what people connect with.I am looking forward to reading it in its entirity as soon as it arrives.

    I co-teach a course with Dean Bill Silver on Sustainable Leadership in our EMBA program. I see that you are traveling through November. I would like to find out if you might be available to speak about your book on our Sustainability in action panel on Friday afternoon December 9.

    We will have 20 EMBA students from companies like Medtronics plus a few faculty in attendance.

    Sincerely yours
    Robert Girling
    510 548 8340

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